My life Part 3
We left off me starting High school , Let me tell you this was fun times.... Our Highschool was 10th grade throw 12th, So I was not a freshman but just as bad. One thing I learned in JrHigh is that the area I went to school at was alot differnt then the city, this area they had sellective groups (witch is not out of the norm, but these groups were made and lock tight from back in 1st grade). So with my father being a natural salesman and also a reastate agent, I learn the art of SELLING ( and I do mean I sold every thing). I sold art supplys to the art nerds, I sold "treats" to the jockes, "snacks" to the burn outs, CD to the Rockers and test to the losers. If you needed somthing I was the man to go to. With my friends in the city and not alot of friends here I made alot of cash real fast. Then I stated to meet some of the wrong people about the time I started to drive. I found out fun things like "snack" & "juice" , about this time I almost got into some real trouble with the friendly nearby "snack" dealer. Long story short I manage to get away from it all. So I'm now a TOP man in highschool and its my last year there and I started to date the girl of my Dreams .... We dated all that year and a long time afterwards, she showed my what a REAL woman was all about she did things to me that I only read about in "playboy". The only problem was with her is that she had a kid and at that time (the little one) was less then one years old , man I thought I was ready to take on the WORLD, I'm going to be a dad and I got a great girl to spen my life with ( man that was the worst thing I ever did , even worst then that time in mexico) So now Im dating her doing dad things and such. This was back in '97 the next few years was a blur or I choose to try to forget them. So after a few years and moving a few million time around the state I end up in a small town in North Missouri. All was good we moved in to my sisters house and only had to pay for a small rent and all of our own needs (food, and other stuff a person needs). So about 3-4 months after we move in I found out the BITCH was cheeting on me with her ex-boyfriend (aka the baby's daddy) the enter time we where toghter. But this was only after I found out that she is currtly cheeting on me with a so called friend I worked with. The worse part is not that she cheeted on me or took off with 3/4 of my things and all my money out of my bank account , is that that baby now close to the age fo 3 was taking out of my life and the life of my family, we all treaded her like part of our family. That was ruff I brock down for the next few years and found out what a good friend drinking is. In '99 I started a Tech school in the local town a found my true calling COMPUTERS.